
Charlie Van Gilder

My personal engagement with making art with clay is, at best, an agreement between my ideas and the clay. From the start, working with clay was an addiction. The clay reacts to the hand, you dance around it, intellectually, physically and spiritually. Clay has a memory of its’ own. At best, I try to find a moment when the clay and I both share a voice. My work has varied a lot over time as does its inspiration. I have taught throwing on the wheel and hand building techniques.. low fire, high-fire, pit firing, raku, and wood firing. Creating art and teaching art is very personal to each individual. I find the pursuit of making art and being a teacher very rewarding. The important thing about teaching, being an artist is to be perceptive and engaged, to think creatively and to have an open mind.

Linda Power

Linda has over 14 years of experience working with children in both private and public schools. She also worked an Art Docent for her children’s schools in both California and Washington State.

Art and crafting of all kinds have always been a passionate hobby for Linda.  She is very excited to be teaching classes to young creative minds once again.

Joel Diepenbrock

Joel is a potter and ceramicist who learned the ways of clay while living amongst the redwoods of coastal, northern California. After receiving a BA in studio art and ceramics from Humboldt State University he built his own studio in an old barn and taught pottery at a local community studio. Joel worked as a teacher and studio technician for many years, firing kilns, mixing glazes and teaching all things clay. He loves sharing his passion for ceramics with others and teaching about how awesome clay is! When Joel isn’t hard at work in the studio he enjoys firing wood burning kilns, eating delicious food off of hand-made dishes, and hiking in the mountains in search of rich clay deposits.  

Michele Soderstrom

Artist Michele Soderstrom lives and works in Port Townsend. She is obsessed with watercolor and the versatility that this medium offers. Since 1999 she has been selling her paintings through galleries, cafes, and word of mouth. Michele has worked under and been a student of various experienced regional potters who re-ignited her obsession for throwing on the wheel. Her passion lies in teaching creativity and empowering others with skills for success. She received her BA from Central Washington University in Visual Arts Teaching k-12 and Studio Art.